Perelandra (Voyage to Venus) (PER)
SETTING 7 — All Volumes
Collier Books (1962)
Printing: USA
Paperback: Black title, teal author on white field over black Collier logo on light blue field, featuring image of sunflower and snake on dark blue field
222 pages
Printing History:
Sold for $.95
Collier Books (Unknown)
Printing: USA
Paperback: Purple author/title on white field over purple tree of temptation with hanging apple on pink field
222 pages
Printing History:
Sold for $.95
Macmillan Paperback (1965)
Printing: USA
Paperback by Bernard Symancyk; White title/author over full-color image of hand holding green apple under white copula under male/female silhouettes
222 pages
Printing History:
7. 1968 for $.95
8. 1969 for $.95
11. 1971 for $1.25
13. 1972 for $1.25
14. 1973 for $1.25
17. 1975 for $1.50
19. 1977 for $1.50
Macmillan Company (1968) [1]
Printing New York
Lime green hardback with gold author/title on spine
Jacket by Charles Goslin; Lime green author, black title on white field over black box containing green apple with black seeds, abstractly suggestive of Symancyk design of M2.
222 pages
[1] Somewhat mysteriously, data page of M2c says “First Macmillan hardcover edition 1968,” disregarding M1 published in 1944. Additionally, assuming correct publication data of 1968, it follows the release of the paperback M2 on which the Setting is based, which is unusual.
Printing History:
Sold for $4.95
PER7-M3-1-68-Jacket Front
Macmillan Publishing Company (c. 1977)
Printing: USA
Paperback: White title/author on purple bar over Symancyk image from M2a
ISBN: 0-02-086900-2
222 pages
Printing History:
[Continued from M2a]
20. 1977 for $1.95
24. Sold for $2.50
28. Sold for $2.95
33. Sold for $3.95
Collier Books of Macmillan Publishing (1986)
Printing: USA
Paperback by Kinuko Y. Craft and Lewe Wade: White author over black title on full-color image of dragons and sea monsters with island, bubble trees, and coiled dragon.
ISBN: 0-02-086950-9
222 pages
Printing History: (possibly continued from M2b)
40. Sold for $4.95
43. Sold for $4.95
49. Sold for $5.95
51. Sold for $5.95
Scribner Paperback Fiction of Simon & Schuster (1996)
Printing: USA
Paperback by Kevin Moehlenkamp and Kinuko Craft: Black author on salmon bar over red title on white field, featuring full-color image of dragons and sea monsters with island, bubble trees, and coiled dragon from M2c.
ISBN: 0-684-82382-9
222 pages
Printing History:
7. Sold for $6.95
10. Sold for $6.95
12. Sold for $6.95
13. Sold for $6.95