The Screwtape Letters (SL)
SETTING 1 — All Volumes
Contains the Original 1941 Preface
Geoffrey Bles (February, 1942)
Printing: Unwin brothers Ltd. Woking.
Black fabric hardback with “War binding”: Black title/author on white field, featuring POP advert and red line border
160 pages
Printing History:
1. February 1942 for 5s.
2. March 1942 for 5s.
3. March 1942 for 5s.
4. April 1942 for 5s.
5. May 1942 for 5s.
6. June 1942 for 5s.
7. August 1942 for 5s.
8. August 1942 for 5s.
9. December 1942 for 5s.
10. February 1943 for 5s. [1]
11. May 1943 for 5s.
12. September 1943 for 5s.
13. February 1944 for 5s.
14. September 1944 for 5s.
15. January 1945 for 5s.
[1] Jacket: POP advert replaced with other authors advert somewhere between 7th and 10th printings
SL1-GB1a-8-42-Jacket Front
Geoffrey Bles (May 1945)
Printing: Unwin brothers Ltd. Woking.
Same GB1a black fabric hardback with War Binding
Jacket by George Mansell: Blue author/title on blue field
160 pages
Printing History:
[Continued from GB1a]
16. May 1945 for 5s.
17. September 1945 for 5s.
18. March 1946 for 5s.
19. May 1946 for 5s.
20. September 1946 for 5s. [1]
[1] Jacket Back replaces POP advert with list of Lewis’ publications somewhere between 17th and 20th printings
SL1-GB1c-22-52-Jacket Front
Geoffrey Bles (1950)
Printing: Printing by Butler and Tanner, Ltd., London
Black fabric hardback with silver title/author on spine
Jacket from GB1b
160 pages
224 pages
Printing History:
[Continued from GB1b]
21. 1950 Sold for 5s.
22. 1952 for 7s.6d.
SL1-GB1c-22-52-Jacket Front
Geoffrey Bles (May 1945)
Printing: Printing by Butler and Tanner, Ltd., London
Grey fabric hardback with blue author/title
Jacket from GB1b
160 pages
Printing History:
[Continued from GB1c]
23. 1954 for 7s.6d.
SL1-GB1c-22-52-Jacket Front
Macmillan (February 1943)
Printing: USA
Red fabric hardback with black title/author on spine,
Jacket: Black title/author on grey field featuring red border (patterned after GB1a)
160 pages
Printing History:
1. February 1943 for $1.50
2. March 1943 [1]
3. April 1943
4. June 1943
5. July 1943
6. September 1943
7. November 1943
8. December 1943
9. February 1944
[1] Cover changes from M1a to M1b somewhere between the 2nd and 9th
SL1-M1a-1-43-Jacket Cover
Macmillan (January 1945)
Printing: USA
Red fabric hardback with black title/author on spine, identical to M1a
Jacket by Woods: White title/author on red field w/ blue flourishes, featuring Lewis’ drawing of Screwtape on back
160 pages
Printing History:
[Continued from GB1c]
10. January 1945 for $1.50
11. July 1945 for $1.50
12. January 1946 for $1.50
13. December 1946 for $1.50
14. September 1947 for $1.50
15. January 1948 for $1.50
16. December 1948 for $1.50
17. [Unseen]
18. 1950 for $1.50
19. 1951 for $2.50
20. 1952 for $2.50
21. 1953
22. 1954 for $2.50
23. 1954
24. 1956
25. 1957
27. 1959
29. 1961
30. 1963
SL1-M1b-16-48-Jacket Front
Macmillan Company (June 1959)
Printing: Great Britain
Paperback: White title over white author on red devil’s head
Third Printing: Replaces striped field at bottom with solid black bar
160 pages
Printing History:
1. June 1959 for $.75
2. January 1960 for $.75
3. November 1960 for $.75 (Macmillan Paperbacks Edition)
S. J. Reginald Saunders and Co. (May 1945)
Printing: Canadian Edition, Toronto
Dark green fabric hardback with gold author/title on spine
Jacket: Identical to SL1-M1a, except title/author on spine is enclosed in box
160 pages
Printing History:
SL1-R1b-2-47-Jacket Front
S. J. Reginald Saunders and Co. (January 1947)
Printing: Canadian Edition, Toronto
Red fabric hardback with gold author/title on spine
Jacket: Identical to SL1-M1a, except title/author on spine is enclosed in box
160 pages
Printing History:
SL1-R1b-1-45-Jacket Front
Fontana Paperback (February 1955)
Printing: Collins Clear-Type Press, London & Glasgow
Paperback by John Rose: White title/author on green embossed devil’s head
160 pages
Printing History:
1. February 1955
2. April 1955
3. March 1956
4. December 1956
5. May 1958
6. January 1959
7. January 1960
8. November 1960
9. November 1962
10. July 1963 for 2s.6d.
11. July 1964 for 3s.6d.
12. April 1965
13. June 1966
14. February 1968
15. February 1969 for 3s.6d.
Fontana Paperback (October 1970)
Printing: Collins Clear-Type Press, London & Glasgow
Paperback: White title over yellow author all under emerald green gargoyle head.
160 pages
Printing History:
16. October 1970 for 5s.(25p.)
19. September 1972 for 25p.
21. January 1974 for 35p.
Fontana Paperback of William Collings Sons & Co Ltd. (c. 1977)
Printing: William Collings Sons & Co Ltd., London
Paperback by Tony Meeuwissen: Black author/title on yellow field, featuring trident and flames
ISBN: 0-00-624565-X
160 pages
Printing History:
September 1977
28. October 1978 for 95p.
34. October 1982 for £1.50
Barbour and Company, Inc. (c. 1990)
Printing: Uhrichsville, OH
Paperback: White title over yellow author on image of red/black scales
ISBN: 1-55748-315-9
160 pages
Printing History:
Sold for $4.95
Barbour and Company, Inc. (1990)
Printing: Uhrichsville, OH
White glossy hardback: Multicolor title over black author featuring black stylus with red inked nib
ISBN: 1-55748-240-3
160 pages
Printing History:
Sold for $9.95
Barbour and Company, Inc. (1990)
Printing: Uhrichsville, OH
White paperback of BC1a
ISBN: 1-55748-142-3
160 pages
Printing History:
Sold for $5.95
Book of the Month Club (1992)
Printing: USA
Black hardback with pink overleaf with gold author/title on spine
Jacket by Monica Elias: White author over picture of smoking Lewis over white titles on black cover
Uses pagination from …
Screwtape Letters – ST1
Mere Christianity – MC2
Surprised by Joy – SJ2
Printing History:
Only one known printing
COL-BMC-1-92-Jacket Front