The Chronicles of Narnia (NA)
As crônicas de Nárnia

Brazilian (Portuguese) Translations

A brief publishing history in Brazil. The first Portuguese translator was Pablo Mendes Campos. There have
been two other Brazilian publishers before Martins Fontes: Ediouro and ABU (Associação Bíblica Universitária).
Ediouro published the first 6 books, and ABU published the 7 titles. Besides the names of these titles, very
little bibliographic information is known. Martins Fontes is the prominent publisher in Brazil today.

Note: Goodknight originally grouped these editions together with the Portuguese editions. They have been separated here for clarity.

Ediouro (1980)
Printing: Rio de Janeiro

Translator: Paulo Mendes Campos
Illustrator: Unknown
Cover: Unknown

No Images of these editions are known.

O leão, a feiticeira e o guarda-roupa (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)

O Príncipe Caspiano (Prince Caspain)
O Príncipe na Ilha Mágica (Prince Caspain)
Príncipe e a Ilha Mágica (Prince Caspain)

O navio da Alvorada (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)

O sobrinho do feiticeiro (The Magician’s Nephew)
Os anéis mágicos (The Magician’s Nephew)

ABU (Associação Bíblica Universitária), (Unknown)
Printing: São Paulo

Translator: Unknown
Illustrator: Unknown
Cover: Unknown

No Images of these editions are known.

O navio da Alvorada (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)

O sobrinho do feiticeiro (The Magician’s Nephew)
Os anéis mágicos (The Magician’s Nephew)

Martins Fontes (1997)
Printing: São Paulo

Translator: Paulo Mendes Campos
Translation Revision: Silêda Steuernagel
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover: Unknown, mirrors HC1b

Note: Only low resolution images available

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

O leão, a feiticeira e o guarda-roupa, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-621-4

Prince Caspian

Principe Caspian, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-626-5

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

A Viagem do Peregrino da Alvorada, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-622-2

The Silver Chair

A Cadeira de Prata, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-627-3

The Horse and His Boy

O Cavalo e seu Menino, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-623-0

The Magician's Nephew

O sobrinho do mago, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-623-0

The Last Battle

A Ultima Batalha, 1997
ISBN: 85-3360-625-7

Martins Fontes (2002)
Printing: São Paulo

Translator: Paulo Mendes Campos
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover: Based on Pauline Baynes

The Chronicles of Narnia

As Crônicas de Nárnia – Volume Único, 2002
ISBN: 85-3361-569-8


Martins Fontes (2003)
Printing: São Paulo

Translator: Paulo Mendes Campos
Translation Revision: Silêda Steuernagel
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover: Pauline Baynes, mirrors HC4

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

O leão, a feiticeira e o guarda-roupa, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-615-5

Prince Caspian

Principe Caspian, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-617-1

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

A Viagem do Peregrino da Alvorada, 2003
ISBN: 5-3361-618-X

The Silver Chair

A Cadeira de Prata, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-619-8

The Horse and His Boy

O Cavalo e seu Menino, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-616-3

The Magician's Nephew

O sobrinho do mago, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-614-7

The Last Battle

A Ultima Batalha, 2002, 2003
ISBN: 85-3361-620-1

Martins Fontes (2005)
Printing: São Paulo

Translator: Paulo Mendes Campos
Translation Revision: Silêda Steuernagel
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover: Cliff Nielson

The Chronicles of Narnia

As Crônicas de Nárnia – Volume Único, 2005
ISBN: 85-3362-210-4