OTHER RESOURCES And LINKS | The Disordered Image

Other Resources and Links

Useful Books

Here are a few published texts that are also helpful in sorting out Lewis’ editions.


Hooper’s Companion

Walter Hooper’s C. S. Lewis: The Companion & Guide offers a substantial section on publication histories of Lewis’ books up through 1996, the year of its publication (pp. 801-883). Though dated and incomplete now, it is still a valuable addition. You can also find it in ebook or used.


Remembering CS Lewis

James Como’s Remembering C.S. Lewis: Recollections of Those Who Knew Him offers an updated bibliography in 2005.

Other Useful Texts on Lewis’ Bibliography

  • Ed Brown’s & Dan Hamilton, In Pursuit of C. S. Lewis (2006)
  • Joe R. Christopher & Joan K. Ostling: C. S. Lewis: An Annotated Checklist of Writings about him and his Works (1976)
  • Susan Lowenberg, C. S. Lewis: A Reference Guide (1972-1988) (1993).

Other more dated bibliographies can be found in Como’s 1979, C. S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and Hooper’s 1965 bibliography in ed. Jocelyn Gibbs Light on C. S. Lewis.

Other Useful Texts on Lewis’ Bibliography

  • Ed Brown’s & Dan Hamilton, In Pursuit of C. S. Lewis (2006)
  • Joe R. Christopher & Joan K. Ostling: C. S. Lewis: An Annotated Checklist of Writings about him and his Works (1976)
  • Susan Lowenberg, C. S. Lewis: A Reference Guide (1972-1988) (1993).

Other more dated bibliographies can be found in Como’s 1979, C. S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and Hooper’s 1965 bibliography in ed. Jocelyn Gibbs Light on C. S. Lewis.

Helpful Websites

A number of websites exist that are helpful to collectors and researchers interested in the publication histories of Lewis’ editions. Although none present as exhaustive a treatment of Lewis’ English editions as The Disordered Image, some offer information not contained here. 


Now Seeking Crowd-Sourced Data

This Collection has to date been a one-man project. With the gradual publication of this material, Dr. Greenhill hopes to solicit the assistance of other Lewis reader, scholars, and collectors. Because publication information must be reconstructed from the data page, many volumes must be looked over to collect the printing history.

Dr. Greenhill has scanned hundreds of editions over the last decade, and now requests you go over your shelves and send him images and publication information from your editions. Please visit the contact page for instructions on submitting data. Thank you.