The Chronicles of Narnia (NA)
Cronicile din Narnia

Rumanian Translations

Hyperion Chisinau (1993)
Printing: Junimea

Translator: Unknown
Illustrator: Unknown
Cover: Unknown

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Leul, vrajitoarea si garderoba, 1993
ISBN: 5-368-01174-1

RAO (1997)
Printing: Bucuresti (Bucharest)

Translator LWW, PC, HB, MN: Larisa Avram
Translator VDT, SC, LB: Irina Negrea
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover LWW, PC, HB, MN: Based on HC1b
Cover VDT, SC, LB: Julek Heller

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Sifonierul, leul si vrajitoarea, 1997, 2002
1997 ISBN: 973-576-169-6
2000 ISBN: 973-576-216-1

Prince Caspian

Printul Caspian, 1998, 2000
1998 ISBN: 973-576-199-8
2000 ISBN: 973-576-218-8

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Calatorie pe Mare cu “Zori de zi”, 2000
ISBN: 973-576-221-8 / 973-576-203-X

The Silver Chair

Jiltul de argint, 2000, 2003
2000 ISBN: 973-576-220-X
2003 ISBN: 973-576-473-3

The Horse and His Boy

Calul si baiatul, 1998, 2000
1998 ISBN: 973-576-193-9
2000 ISBN: 973-576-276-5

The Magician's Nephew

Nepotul magicianului, 1997, 2002
1997 ISBN: 973-576-168-8
2000 ISBN: 973-576-275-7

The Last Battle

Ultima batalie, 2000, 2003
2000 ISBN: 973-576-257-9
2003 ISBN: 973-576-492-X

RAO (2005)
Printing: Bucuresti (Bucharest)

Translator LWW, PC, HB, MN: Larisa Avram
Translator VDT, SC, LB: Irina Negrea
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Cover: Cliff Nielsen

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Sifonierul, leul si vrajitoarea, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-875-5

Prince Caspian

Printul Caspian, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-882-8

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Calatorie pe Mare cu “Zori de zi”, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-896-8

The Silver Chair

Jiltul de argint, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-897-6

The Horse and His Boy

Calul si baiatul, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-874-7

The Magician's Nephew

Nepotul magicianului, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-876-3

The Last Battle

Ultima batalie, 2005
ISBN: 973-576-880-1